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Fortnite Reveals Tron Crossover

Learning everything about the newest season of Fortnite.

Fortnite’s newest season is bringing a new collaboration into the game. And this time, they are featuring cosmetic outfits from the Tron franchise. Tron is a science fiction media franchise created by Steven Lisberger, which started with his 1982 film of the same name. 

Fortnite will be introducing the “End of Line” Collection, which players can buy in the Fortnite Item Shop to give their characters a perfect look from the Grid. These skins include outfits similar to Tron’s Bandwidth, Bitstream, Command Line, Cypher, Datapath, Firewall, Io, Packet, Proxy, and Upload. There will also be additional accessories that players can don on their characters. These accessories include the Light Cycle rideable Glider, the Back Bling, and the identity Disc Pickaxe.

For those who are not familiar with the Tron franchise. Tron is a sci-fi film from 1982 which features the story of a genius computer programmer and video game developer named Kevin Flynn, who is transported inside a digital virtual reality called “The Grid.” Here he can interact with programs in his quest to escape. A sequel of the first film was then released in 2010 called Tron: Legacy, which takes place 28 years after the first film’s events. This time, the story featured Flynn’s son, Sam, who went on a quest to retrieve his lost father from within the Grid after it was ruled by a corrupt program.

Tron Legacy

The film series was so popular it spawned video games, a comic book mini-series, theme park attractions, and an animated television series released in 2012. And as of writing this, it is said that a third feature film is currently in development starring Jared Leto.

Chapter 2 of Fortnite features a massive, multiverse party with the theme focusing on “hunters.” We’ve seen cosmetic outfits and accessories from popular franchises including Terminator, Flash, The Mandalorian, God of War, and Flash during its course. While its last season, the game focused on featuring superheroes from the Marvel franchise, Fortnite Season 5 “Zero Point” features different characters across the multiverse, and plucking different heroes and protagonists from multiple franchises, whether these characters are from video games, comic books, or movies.

To avail of the Fortnite cosmetic outfits and accessories, make sure that you update the game’s latest update on your gaming pc or console player.

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