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COD: Modern Warfare Gets 3v3 Gunfight Mode

Known the plotline of the game call of duty modern warfare 3

Infinity Ward has just confirmed that the game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will feature a 3v3 Gunfight Mode in the coming future.

The developers had already rolled out a Gunfight 1v1 playlist a week ago, but also said that the team was currently working on a 3v3 as well. Apparently, the Gunfight 3v3 mode has already been in the works since December.

Gunfight is a new game mode in the game where two teams are put together in a map with randomized weapons and battle out. The first team to win six games then wins. Another feature of the title is it doesn’t have any respawns. So if a player is killed in the game, he has to sit out for the rest of the round. 

The Gunfight Mode was first introduced in the game with a 2v2 mode, and then the 1v1 mode was introduced. And now, we will soon be seeing a 3v3 mode.

Moreover, Infinity Ward also announced that they will be adding more loadout slots for Gunfight Mode over the coming weeks, increasing their current limit to five.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is an FPS video game that was released in August 2019 for Microsoft Windows gaming PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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