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You Can Now Play Contra on VR!

Contra on VR
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Contra is one of the most loved classic arcade games of all time. This run-and-gun action game from Konami introduces two commandos, Pfc. Bill Rizer and Pfc. Lance Bean from the Contra unit, an elite group of soldiers who specializes in guerilla warfare. The two are sent to an island where they are tasked to destroy enemy forces and defeat the alien entity that controls them all.

The game became widely popular and was considered as one of the best games released for NES. Now, imagine if we are able to play this game in VR. Early this March, a video surfaced on the internet showing a guy playing Contra in VR. According to some sources, a VR version of the run and gun classic game has popped up on the interwebs, which you can download right for HTC Vive. The short demo transports the player into the boss battle of Contra’s Level 3: Waterfall gameplay.

Let’s take a look at the video:


Video Source: VRScout

It shows the mechanical alien on top of the entrance of the second base, striking with its fireball spitting arms. The player must dodge and dock while trying to attack and concentrate all your firepower on one of its arms. Once destroyed, turn your firepower to the other arm.

Play Contra on VR
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Once both arms are gone, the player must start firing the mouth of the alien with the rifle. If victorious, the alien will go up in an 8-bit ball of fire and the entrance to the second base opens.

Contra VR is a demo game developed by the same creators of the PP Gun, a VR controller for HTC Vive, compatible with gaming PCs, Android, and iOS systems. The PP Gun is one of the first gun-shaped Vive Tracker, which shares a similar size and weight as a real rifle. It even includes its own recoil feedback. It is the same controller used in the Contra demo video.

Although the Contra VR demo only includes one boss level, arcade lovers have asked the developers to continue working for Contra and transform the all-time favorite game into a full VR version. Until then, all we can do is enjoy the demo and wait for more developers to bring back these classic games into the mainstream.

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