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WB Montreal is Developing a New AAA Video Game

WB Montreal AAA Video Game

Gotham Knights developer, WB Montreal, seems to be developing a brand new AAA video game. The news started circulating when the studio recently posted job listings online. As of now, WB Montreal is already wrapping up their Batman co-op action game. However, the job listings they posted give fans ideas on what video game they might be developing soon.

The job listing posted on WB Games Montreal website is for a Senior Gameplay / Animation Programmer. The listing also mentioned that they are looking for talented individuals to work for a new IP, AAA title. This individual develops, designs, and maintains cross-platform gameplay systems and algorithms with specific 3Cs and Animation components. These will include NPC behaviors, facial animation, and character controllers.

WB Montreal Gotham Knights

In previous interviews, WB Montreal has discussed their goal is to focus on developing video games that will expand the DC universe in the interactive space. While it doesn’t confirm if the new AAA video game may be set in the DC Universe, it is still possible that it might be the SuperMan game that has been long-rumored. Although the Superman game was said to be canceled, concept art was leaked online last April 2020.

If the new AAA game is not the Superman game, it is still possible that the new IP game is a new DC game that WB Montreal is developing. However, it might be outside the Batman universe.

Aside from this new AAA video game being developed, WB Montreal’s Gotham Knights will be released in 2022. It is an upcoming RPG video game that will feature Batman and his former partners, including Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, and Robin. In this game, heroes will come into conflict with the secret criminal society, Court of Owls. Together, they investigate Batman’s death and try to stop the Court of Owls’ brain-washed assassins, legions.

Gotham Knights will be launched for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows gaming pc.

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