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Total Mayhem Games Announces We Were Here Forever

We Were Here Forever

Total Mayhem Games announces its new co-op puzzle game in the We Were Here series titled We Were Here Forever. The game is expected to be released this 2021 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and gaming pc.

We Were Here Forever will continue the series of puzzle games set in the Antarctic that the player must cooperate with while being separated from their co-players. In this game, you use a walkie-talkie to talk to your co-player and describe what you see. Together you two must work out how to solve the asymmetrical puzzles that each person can see half of. By combining the information and details that each player can access, you two must think of the solution to solve the puzzles.

In We Were Here Forever, players will be able to explore the unseen areas of the Castle Rock setting. They can also dig mysteries in a graveyard to find their way out of the King’s Keep. The developers also promised an improved interface and gameplay in addition to the new puzzles the players must solve.

Total Mayhem stated that their goal for the game is to further refine its cooperative gameplay that people love from the series. To do this, their team has designed a new generation of hardware to feature and create a more immersive, livelier, and darker Castle Rock.

We Were Here Forever is a two-player co-op game. Every puzzle that you encounter in the game takes two people to solve. It features a spine-tingling story that you and your friend must discover, which involves meeting the most powerful being living within the walls of Castle Rock. This game requires both the players to have a working PC compatible with a microphone and an internet connection.

The game requires a PC system that runs on a 64-bit processor and Windows 10 operating system. You should also have an Intel Core i3 4000 series or above, 4GB RAM, and 20 GB available space. For graphics, We Were Here will run on an Nvidia GTX 750 to Nvidia GTX 970 with a DirectX: Version 11.

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