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The Weirdest Champions in League of Legends

League of Legends Weirdest Champions
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League of Legends is known for its varieties of champions with inspiration coming from old legends and mythology around the worlds. But sometimes, developers create concepts way beyond this, spawning to heroes that are too unique and weird.

Let’s check out five of the most bizarre champions in League of Legends:


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Just when everyone thought Jinx was a psychopath came Jhin, The Virtuoso. According to Riot, Jhin has an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but we’re not easily buying that. If you’ve seen his teasers, then you’ll probably know what I’m talking about. This guy believes that murder is art, and thinks of himself as an Artisan Killer. He gains his pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, sending out a message to his audience: fear.


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Urgot looks gross, but there’s a greater more reason to why he made it on the list. He is actually a corpse of a former executioner who is reanimated by a mad scientist. He looks like Darth Vader who is sewn into a mechanical spider-like body. And if that isn’t enough to weird you out, he can also shoot out noxious green gas.


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Teemo, the Yordle from Hell a.k.a. The Devil is a cute little raccoon who happens to be so powerful he can kill mages, ninja warriors, and other vicious monsters using a blow dart. This Swift Scout has been feared by many players due to his skill kit especially his Noxious Trap, which allows him to plant invisible mushroom that explodes and poison his enemies on contact. Oh, and did I mention he keeps a smile on his face while doing all these horrendous things.


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Kog’Maw, The Mouth of the Abyss, isn’t your typical monster. For one, he looks like a giant worm/caterpillar with the characteristics of a primal creature that has multiple eyes, spiky teeth, spikes, and happens to throw up slime as well. He doesn’t even look like the others from the same species Voidborn such as Vel’Koz, Kha’Zix, and Rek’Sai.


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When you think of the word “Cosmic Guardian,” you definitely won’t come up with a picture of Bard in your mind. It’s like his creator has watched too much Hayao Miyazaki movies to come up with this concept. Either way, he is still an ethereal Celestial being who can travel through realms and who comes to rescue if the cosmic balance is threatened.


Think we missed out a champion on this list? Then tell us who’s the weirdest League of Legends Champion for you in the comments below.

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game for Microsoft Windows PC and gaming laptop. It was developed by Riot Games and is currently one of the most popular games online.


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