E3 2018 was full of exciting trailers and teasers for the newest games. Some we’ve heard before, while others have completely taken us by surprise. That’s why for today’s article, we’re putting on the spotlight to some of the best game trailers we’ve seen during the event.
Here are the first five-game trailers in our list:
Cyberpunk 2077
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X2kIfS6fb8&w=560&h=315]
From the creators of the critically acclaimed action RPG video game “The Witcher,” Cyberpunk 2077 is the upcoming sci-fi video game from CD Projekt. It is set in a dystopian open world called Night City located in California. The player takes control of the customizable mercenary named V and can choose from three classes including NetRunner, Techie, and Solo.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFwylDNpgFc&w=560&h=315]
Anthem is one of this year’s most awaited action MMORPG game from Bioware and Electronic Arts. The game combines the elements found in a third-person shooter game and action role-playing game and is set in contiguous open world. Players assume the role of Freelancers, donning technological exo suits called Javelins which gives them superhuman abilities and unique weapons. Anthem is set to be released in February 2019 for PlayStation 4, XBox One, and Microsoft Windows gaming computers.
Fallout 76
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9FGaan35s0&w=560&h=315]
Fallout 76 is said to be Bethesda’s most ambitious game ever, utilizing an open world which is four times Fallout 4’s size. The game is set in the state of West Virginia in the year 2102, 25 years after the Great War. Its plot centers around Vault 76, one of the few control vaults there is, which was meant to be open in 2097. The player takes control of a dweller sent on a quest to the Wasteland by the Overseer.
Devil May Cry V
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMSGj9Y2T9Q&w=560&h=315]
Devil May Cry V is the most awaited sequel to 2014’s Devil May Cry 4 and is the sixth game in the Devil May Cry series. The new game is said to bring a whole new level of demon slaying. It also brings Nero, Dante’s nephew, back to the game as the main playable character. According to Capcom, DMC V focuses on Nero as he looks for his demonic arm called “The Devil Bringer” together with his partner, Nico, a cheeky woman capable of crafting new weapons and devastating robotic arm. By the end of the trailer, we also see Dante, riding his motorcycle at full speed, a smile on his face as he races towards the fight.
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7_Ucy3WUN8&w=560&h=315]
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey came as a surprise to many. But a week before E3 2018, a picture of the game’s merchandise was leaked on the internet, suggesting that a new AC game was indeed on the way. Odyssey is set around 431 BC during the Peloponnesian War between Greece and Athens, which means it took place four centuries earlier than Origins. Players can choose between two characters, Alexios or Kassandra, a man and a woman. The game brings in the gist of the ancient Greek storyline with the main character’s family line prophesied to bring an end to Sparta, which leads the character from being thrown off a mountain. Seventeen years later, Alexios/Kassandra returns to Sparta as a mercenary who gets a chance to discover the conspiracy against his/her family line.
Watch out tomorrow for Part 2!