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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order First Official Trailer

star wars jedi: fallen order
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The long-awaited Star Wars game is almost here! EA and Respawn Entertainment finally revealed the first official trailer for their upcoming game, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

The official trailer features a two and a half minute video that shows us a bit of the storyline of the game. Previous news already informed us that Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will revolve around the story of a young surviving Padawan who hides from authorities after Palpatine’s Order 66 was mandated by the end of Star Wars Episode III. The order was made to annihilate every Jedi in the universe.

In the trailer, we get to meet the protagonist who goes by the name Cal Kestis. Cal is a Padawan in hiding that follows a strict creed to survive — “don’t reach within, don’t stand out, accept the past, trust no one, and trust only the Force.”


The video also shows us Cal’s way of living, by keeping his head down and staying out of trouble as much as possible — although that’s probably not going to happen considering that he’s the protagonist of the game.

With that in mind, Cal is a new character for the Star Wars universe. The game will also introduce us to a new setting on a planet called Bracca. It is also confirmed that other planets will also be explored during the game as Cal flees from the Empire and the elite group of Inquisitors after him.

Aside from the storyline, EA and Respawn Entertainment also cleared a few details about the upcoming game. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be a single-player video game played from a third-person perspective. It will have no multiplayer components and will be free from any microtransactions.

Respawn also confirmed that combat gameplay will be based around lightsaber melees and that our protagonist Cal will be accompanied by a friend named Cere and a droid called BD-1.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is expected to be released by the end of 2019 for Microsoft Windows gaming PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 gaming console.

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