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Square Enix Announces to Remaster Original Nier

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Square Enix finally announced to remaster the original 2010 Nier game, dubbing it as Nier Replicant version 1.22474487139.

This year marks the actual 10th anniversary of the original Nier game, which was released as the spin-off game of the Drakengard franchise. As a part of its announcement, Square Enix released a new trailer which shows images from the Nier Replicant, along with a few texts that allude to its story’s core themes.

The original Nier game featured the story of a man who searches through the ruins of a world ruled by mysterious creatures called “Shades.” These creatures also have the cure that can save his ailing daughter/sister.

The western and Japanese Xbox 360 version of the game featured a father-and-daughter duo. While the PS3 version of the game titled Nier Replicant followed the story of a younger brother and sister rather than a father and daughter plotline.

In the new trailer released by Square Enix, it mentioned the story of a young and kind-hearted boy and his sister. So from what it looks like, Square Enix is going with the original plotline from Nier Replicant.

This remastered game will be developed by Toylogic, the same studio that made 2017’s Nier Automata. Square Enix also confirmed that Nier Replicant ver. 1.22474487139 is going to be released for PS4, Xbox One, and gaming PC.

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