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Netflix Plans to Turn its Shows to Video Game

Game play of the stranger things game as played in gaming pc.
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In this upcoming E3 event, Netflix is scheduled to host a panel called “Bringing Your Favorite Shows to Life: Developing Netflix Originals into Video Games.”

According to them, the panel will consist of game developers and show creators who plan to adapt Netflix original shows into video games. Before the announcement, E3 and Netflix have been discussing it in an exchange of tweets on Twitter. This gained the fans’ attention and increased their excitement about the on-going plan.

As for what games Netflix plans on developing, the company has mentioned the upcoming Stranger Things 3: The Game. But they also said that there’s plenty more to come in the following years. Fans even have suspected that some of the new games will be announced at the panel.

There also are speculations that the games we’re possibly going to see are from Netflix’s comic book and sci-fi shows. It would be totally awesome if shows like Black Mirror, Altered Carbon, and The Umbrella Academy become video games.

Netflix has already experienced releasing interactive content directly on its platform. Last year, they released their first interactive movie, the Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. And then just last month, they also let users experience You Vs. Wild which let them guide Bear Grylls on his adventures. So we might actually see some good interactive game content if their plans went smoothly.

But for now Stranger Things 3: The Game is scheduled to launch on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, gaming PC, and mobile devices this July 4.

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