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FunCom Announced New Strategy Game, Conan Unconquered

Conan Unconquered
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Conan Unconquered will be the first strategy game set in the brutal world of Conan The Barbarian, announced by Funcom during the Kinda Funny Games Showcase.

Conan Unconquered was developed by the same team of developers who have worked on Command & Conquer and Dune 2. According to them, Conan Unconquered will require the players to build strongholds and assemble their own armies to fight against the wave of enemies that will continue to increase in number and difficulty as the game progresses.

Conan Unconquered can be played as a single-player or with two players through its online co-op mode, which allows users to play with their friends and build a shared stronghold which they need to defend together.


When it comes to its gameplay, developers confirmed that it will occur in real-time, but players will be able to pause the game to issue any commands or when constructing a new building. Aside from the ongoing attacks, players must deal with other problems in their stronghold which can spread disease and increase death within your territory.

And if you think that all you need to deal with are other armies who want to conquer your stronghold, then you’re wrong. There will be necromancers, giant snakes, scorpions, and flying demons that you should look out for. But the best part is the game will also let you acquire legendary heroes to defend your stronghold, including Conan himself. Each of these heroes will possess unique abilities, which can be improved further by equipping them with artifacts from around the world.

Conan Unconquered is said to be released in the second quarter of 2019 for Microsoft Windows gaming PC.

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