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Epic Games Slows Down Paragon’s Development for Fortnite

Epic Games Slows Down Paragon's Development for Fortnite

Fortnite’s popularity continues to soar since its launch, even more so with people enjoying its free-to-play battle-royale mode. However, its success seems to be affecting Epic Games’ free-to-play MOBA game, Paragon.

In a statement posted on Reddit, a representative from Epic discussed the future of Paragon and how its future appears to be uncertain at this time.

“Our efforts have always been focused on growing the game,” the post stated. “While each of these incarnations has been beloved by a core community, none has been large enough to achieve mainstream success. This, combined with the humbling success of Fortnite has caused us to question if we have a good path to grow Paragon and make it thrive.”

Paragon gameplay

Paragon was first released into early access in March 2016 and has been in active development since then. It has been refreshed and reinvented several times, with the most recent change being discussed during the E3 event in Los Angeles last June. However, despite those updates, Epic said that Paragon hasn’t still reached the achievement they were aiming for.

Epic explained that the core challenge the game faces is that, only a small number continues to play the game regularly after a month. The developer also mentioned that though Paragon has evolved as a game, it still wasn’t enough to call it a sustainable game.

Fortnite, on the other hand, was loved by gamers and easily attained a large fan-based, causing Epic Games to focus on it instead. In the same statement, Epic revealed that some Paragon team members were transferred to Fortnite to help develop the game. This is because it has grown far larger than any games Epic had in the past.

That being said, fans of Paragon will be expecting fewer updates from now on. But don’t you worry because Epic Games will still continue its development. They will also continue to figure out how they can evolve the game for Paragon to achieve growth and success.

If you want to try Paragon first-hand, it is free-to-download for Microsoft Windows gaming computers and laptops, as well as Sony PlayStation 4 console. You can download the game on its official website at

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