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CyberPunk 2077 Free DLC Starts in Early 2021

cyberpunk 2077

The latest trailer for CyberPunk 2077 has revealed that the free DLC of the game will arrive in early 2021. The detail can be seen in a single frame of the trailer as the “pre-order” image flashes up right at the end of the trailer with a detailed message.

The message states that the free DLC of CyberPunk 2077 will be released in 2021. The DLC content will provide an assortment of free cool stuff. According to the developers, although the expansions will be coming, they are not ready to release the details of the content yet. The planned expansions will take players deeper into the world of CyberPunk 2077.

The DLC content features substantial and story-driven content that gives players tough choices that will affect narratives that impact the whole story.

As stated, the free DLC program of CyberPunk 2077 will arrive in early 2021. And just like the DLC in The Witcher 3, players should expect an assortment of free DLC packs as soon as it hits the Night City. The DLC will drop a bunch of cool stuff that will put even more life into the world of CyberPunk 2077.

If the DLC content drop for CyberPunk 2077 will be similar to The Witcher 3, it might have the same features. For those who don’t remember, The Witcher 3’s free DLC included minor quests, new outfits for major characters, and a new Game+ mode. But with all the learnings from past DLCs from The Witcher series like Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, the DLC for CyberPunk 2077 might be slightly different.

CyberPunk 2077 is a sci-fi open-world action-adventure video game for consoles and gaming PC. It is set in Night City, a megalopolis place obsessed with power, glamor, and scientific body modification. The player takes control of V, a mercenary outlaw who goes after a one-of-a-kind implant that is said to be the key to immortality.

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