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Chivalry 2 Gets a June Release Date

Chilvary 2

The multiplayer first-person slasher game, Chivalry 2, is announced to be released on June 8, 2020. The game will be available for Microsoft Windows gaming pc, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Its developer, Tom Banner Studios, also confirmed that the game will feature cross-play across all versions.

Chivalry is a medieval warfare game set in a fictional world based on the Middle Ages. It features melee-combat gameplay, where the character uses medieval weapons, including swords, maces, and longbows. It also features catapults, boiling oil, and ballistae to fight off enemies. The player can choose one of four playable classes, including Archer, Man-at-Arms, Vanguard, and Knight. Its game modes include Free For All, Duel, Team Deathmatch, Last Team Standing, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, and Team Objective.

Gamers can now pre-order Chivalry 2 on PC. Pre-ordering the game will get them guaranteed access to its Cross-Play Closed Beta event, which starts from March 26 to 29. its beta will be available for all consoles, but the PC version of the game is the only platform with guaranteed beta access as of writing this. Pre-orders on all formats will also get you a limited-edition sword called Royal Zweihander.

Chivalry 2 was supposed to be released earlier but was delayed due to the situation caused by COVID-19 last year. According to the developers, the delay was necessary to allow developers to build Chivalry 2 to be the greatest game. They also stated the extra time given to develop the game will enable the developers to incorporate several quality of life improvements. The game will also include what was originally post-launch content when its release. This means that Chivalry 2 will feature more maps and game features when it is launched.

Chivalry 2 was first announced during the E3 2019.

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