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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Includes Battle Pass

Know the plotline of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for your gaming pc.

Activision and Infinity Ward had confirmed that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will feature a battle pass instead of giving away loot boxes. The new system is identical to games with battle pass systems like the popular battle royale game, Fortnite.

The announcement came through a blog post published by Activision. In the article, Activision stated that CoD: Modern Warfare will introduce a new Battle Pass system and not a loot box system. The news immediately came after Infinity Ward confirmed that the studio is not developing a loot box system for Modern Warfare despite the rumors and leaks circulating online.

The Battle Pass system is gameplay where players can earn rewards by playing the game and completing in-game objectives. The more objectives the players complete, the further they can progress through the Battle Pass and unlock more rewards.

Another thing about Modern Warfare’s Battle Pass system is that it will allow players to see the content they are earning or buying. It will also launch timed to new, post-launch live seasons so players can unlock new Modern Warfare-themed content that matches the season.

The Battle Pass system will also deliver functional content which can impact the gameplay and balance in the game.

Modern Warfare Battle Pass System will offer both free and premium battle pass content. The new base weapons can be earned through gameplay, while functional attachments for the base weapons can be unlocked through gameplay similar to the game’s beta version.

Activision also confirmed that the battle pass will not be available at launch but will arrive later this year.

Modern Warfare is a soft reboot to the Modern Warfare subseries. It is the 16th installment in the Call of Duty series. It was released last October 25 for Microsoft Windows gaming PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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