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Borderlands 3 Gets Free Next-Gen Update

Borderlands 3

Gearbox Software and 2K Games finally announces the new content and next-gen plans for Borderlands 3.

The announcement came during the company’s PAX Online 2020 showcase. Gearbox confirmed that Borderlands 3 will be coming to the next-gen consoles — PS5 and Xbox Series X. If the player owns the game on a current next-gen console, they will get the free upgrade to the respective next-gen version. The company also confirmed that all saves and additional purchases will be carried over the upgrade.

Borderlands 3’s next-gen version will run at 60 fps at 4K resolution on PS5 and Xbox Series X systems in single-player. The next-gen version will also bring two requested features available to PS4 and Xbox One players through a free patch. These features include a four-player split-screen and the option to do vertical split-screen in two-player co-op.

Gearbox also confirmed that additional DLC will be coming later this year. However, the next paid DLC won’t be similar to the campaign DLCs that are part of the season pass. The new DLC, though, will include a new game mode and a new skill tree for each Vault Hunter, which brings new Action Skills to the game.

Borderlands 3 is an action RPG, a first-person shooter video game released in 2019 for Microsoft gaming PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Google Stadia, and Apple macOS. The game focuses on four new Vault hunters that were recruited by the Crimson Raiders of Pandora. Their main goal is to stop twins Troy and Tyreen Calypso, along with their insane cult followers, from gathering the power of the alien Vaults spread across the galaxy.

In this game, players are given quests and side missions, either in single-player or multiplayer, as one of the four classes. Killing enemies will let you gain weapons or gear that can be equipped. And new abilities are unlocked as players gain their experience over time.

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