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The Best Jungle Champions to Use in LoL Ranked Match

Jungle Champions
Photo Source: Welterz – DeviantArt

In League of Legends, a jungler refers to a champion who works off the lane, earning gold and leveling up through experience by killing neutral creeps located in the area between the lanes, which is known as the jungle. It is one of the vital roles to take when playing a ranked match in the Summoner’s Rift.

To give a spotlight to this role, we’ve put up our top 5 best junglers in the battlefields of League of Legends.


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Hecarim is probably the best jungler that can single-handedly carry his teammates. Although he has received light nerfs since Trinity Force has changed, he has still remained a strong champion in the battlefield. He is a champion with strong defensive stats and a good base damage. He also has the sustain and mobility needed to clear the jungle camps and gank when needed.


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Evelynn is a skilled assassin which has an amazing late game. Her invisibility lets her to easily gank, explore enemy jungle camps, and even trick laners to think that she is leaving when she is actually waiting for the right time to attack. This skill makes her special and gives her an advantage on the battlefield.


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Vi is a versatile champion which is mainly played as a jungle champion. She is a strong champion in all stages of the game and has the right skill set for ganks. A player can also build her as a tank, and still be able to deliver some damage. Lastly, she has a great high lockdown and mobility, making her an excellent carry jungler.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin
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Lee Sin is a fighter that is durable and can be able to deliver focused damage on melee champions. He is a very versatile champion that offers high mobility. Aside from that, he also has an incredible early game presence and a skill called Dragon’s Rage which can knock up multiple opponents. He also has a fast clearing speed and good sustain, making him one of the best junglers to use in the game.


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Shyvana is a juggernaut champion who excels at both dealing and taking significant amounts of damage. Due to her incredible farming skill, she can easily outrank other junglers in levels and gold. She is insanely a good duelist and can easily fight one on one battles. Lastly, she can counter most junglers, making her a dangerous opponent that can handle even the toughest tank champions.

Want to check these champions out? League of Legends is a free-to-download game you can play on your Microsoft Windows PC or gaming laptop.

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