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Tarik Joins MIBR, Reunites with Former C9 Teammate Stewie2k

                                         Video Credit: Thooorin

After leaving Cloud9, Tarik “tarik” Celik has found a new home in MIBR (Made in Brazil), where he’ll once again be able to play side by side with former C9 teammate Stewie2k, along with new Brazilian teammates Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo, Marcelo “coldzera” David, and Fernando “fer” Alvarenga.

In joining MIBR, Tarik has replaced player Ricardo “boltz” Prass, as he will now function as a substitute on the bench. As for how Cloud9 will fill the void created by Tarik’s departure, there have been rumors that former Fnatic in-game leader Maikhil “Golden” Selim will be Tarik’s new replacement on the lineup, but that he would only be IGL on a trial basis. If these rumors are true, this would be a good opportunity for Golden to demonstrate his prowess, because he was recently replaced on Fnatic by star AWPer William “draken” Sundin.

Adding onto that, Golden’s possible addition to Cloud9 also suggests that Martin “STYKO” Styk will continue his trial with C9, while what’s remaining of the original major-winning lineup — Will “RUSH” Wierzba, Tim “autimatic” Ta, and Tyler “skadoodle” Latham — will be long standing members.

Now taking a look at the current MIBR roster (Tarik, Stewie2k, FalleN, coldzera, and fer), it looks to be a strong team, with a mix of two of NA’s best players and the legendary Brazilian core of SK Gaming. Previously, it was rumored that the former SK Gaming trio were having internal conflicts about the team’s future, and rumors were going so far as to say that coldzera would leave the team. However, earlier this week, coldzera denied these rumors on Twitter, insisting that he would stay on the team.

Tarik also took to Twitter, but instead used it to explain how excited he was about not only reuniting with Stewie2k, but also working with his new renowned Brazilian teammates. He said, “It won’t be an easy road, nor do I think we will become the best team overnight, however I’m willing to bet that we will make it work one way or another”.

With the ELEAGUE CS:GO Premier coming up on July 21st, we’ll soon be able to see if this new MIBR lineup can live up to its expectations.

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