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Square Enix Announced a New Tomb Raider Game

Photo Source: Steam

Let’s start 2018 with exciting news from Square Enix. In Tomb Raider’s official Facebook Page, the developer has announced that “a new Tomb Raider game is coming.”

The statement also adds that it won’t be very long before it officially reveals to the public along with the details of its gameplay and release date. Square Enix even hinted about an upcoming major event in 2018, which is probably when they will release more information about the new Tomb Raider game.

Aside from that, the publisher did not provide any specific details about the project including its title and release platform. According to Polygon, a Square Enix representative told that the company will not be giving any further information beyond the announcement posted in Tomb Raider’s official social media channels.

As we all know, Square Enix has launched a new era for the titular heroine with games focusing on a much younger Lara Croft. In the game reboot, Tomb Raider, we saw Lara Croft stranded on a mythical island and running away from a crazed cult. While in the Rise of the Tomb Raider, we followed her on a journey through Siberia, searching for the secrets of immortality.

A leak in November 2016 revealed the title of the game. According to a Reddit user, he saw someone working in Square Enix Montreal opened their laptop to a slideshow presentation with the titled “Shadow of the Tomb Raider.” Square Enix never commented on the rumor, fueling that the leak might be true. The title may be implying that the game will be introducing a darker tale.

A more specific release date on the game is unknown at this time, but fans are speculating that Square Enix is planning to time it with the premiere of Tomb Raider live-action movie starring Alicia Vikander as Croft. The film is directed by Norwegian film director Roar Uthaug and is said to be inspired by the game series reboot.

But for now, all we wish is that the game will be released for Microsoft Windows PCs and gaming laptops.

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