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Slime Rancher: Slime Guides, Knowing Each of Them

Slime Rancher is a popular game that took the Steam community by storm with its adorable graphics and interesting gameplay that can even be considered worthy of playing in a 4k gaming PC. One characteristic that makes this game popular is through the creatures that ranchers hunt called slimes, which resembles Ragnarok’s porings. To get to know these adorable slimes, here are an overall list of their species and their descriptions:

● Boom Slimes

Boom slimes are cute and adorable creatures that features a reddish color with lava-like details–oh, and they explode. They are often occur in Moss Blanket, has a diet of meat and their favorite food is Briar Hen. These slimes have vibrating cells that cause their appearance to crackle with energy until they explode. However, they survive their explosion unscathed but come out a little dazed.

● Gold Slimes

Gold slimes are the easiest ticket to get rich. They are the rarest of slimes, and often found in the wild. These slimes are also considered as the most exclusive and sought after slime specie. However since these creatures are very rare and are proven to be impossible to capture, little is known to their nature aside from the fact that a rancher can obtain gold plorts from them.

● Honey Slimes

Honey Slimes are the sweetest creatures you’d find in Far, Far Range. They are described as an odd breed of slime that are made of hyper-sweet slime compound which replicates the natural sugars found in fruits and floral nectars according to slime scientists. They often appear in Moss Blanket and stick to a regular diet of fruits.

● Largo Slimes

Largo slimes can be considered as the cannibal specie of slimes. They occur when a type of slime eats a plort from another type of slime, creating a hybrid creature which possessed the characteristics of the two slimes. They are also way bigger than the average slimes, can produce two different plorts and exhibit a diet and behavior similar to the combination of the two slimes.

● Pink Slimes

Pink slimes are the most common type of slime you’ll find in Far, Far Range. They possessed a cheerful and docile attitude which makes them the easiest slime to ranch. They have no specific diet although the plorts they can produce are the least valuable of all. But what makes them the best of all slimes is that they are happy to be around a rancher and can be found anywhere in the map.

● Phosphor Slimes

Phospor Slimes can be considered as the firefly of the Far, Far Range. They come out at night and fly about moonlit range with their translucent wings as they glow in the night sky. They have a luminescent glow core that makes them easier to spot at night, gaining the name “low stars”.

● Puddle Slimes

Puddle Slimes are a rare type of slime that lives in fresh water pools which basically live by absorbing water into their bodies. So instead of purchasing a coral, puddle slimes need a pool with fresh water to survive or they will easily evaporate.

● Rock Slimes

Rock Slimes are the grouchy and are described as “ore totally metal”. They earned their name from their rocky sharp spikes that appears on top of their slimy bodies. They are also on a stick vegetarian diet and produced a rock plort which is a key component in producing a rare product known as “blue metal”.

● Tabby Slimes

Tabby slimes are not cats although they do have a stripe tails that can wiggle and quite has the same similarities of domestic cats. They also have perked ears and cute cat-like smile that ranchers often mistake them for a true feline.

● The Tarr

The scariest of all slimes that you need to avoid, the Tarrs are dread creatures that only seeks to consume and replicate, eating anything that moves including ranchers–and that means you. They have sludge look filled with prismatic array of colors. They can also spread quickly in a ranch. The best way to stop a Tarr from attacking you is with fresh water or incinerating it.

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