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Paladins New Champion Revealed: Ash, The War Machine

After the release of the adorable Willo, the Fairy, Paladins is on its way to release another hero named Ash. She is a front line champion who can deliver immense damage and initiate team fights.

Let’s check out her abilities:



Burst Cannon

Burst Canon is an area damage skill which lets Ash fire a shrapnel round every .9 seconds which then explodes dealing an Area of Effect damage. This skill has an ammo count of 8.

Kinetic Burst

Kinetic Burst also has an area damage effect. It superheats your next shrapnel round. The next time you fire, the round will instantly explode in a frontal cone then deals 300 damage and applying a knockback.

Siege Shield

Siege Shield is a defensive skill that lets you deploy a 5000 health siege shield which advances forward and lasts for 6 seconds.

Shoulder Bash

Shoulder Bash causes direct damage to the enemy. Ash lowers her shoulder and hurtles forward, hitting an enemy that will deal 800 damage and apply a strong knockback.

Assert Dominance

Assert Dominance is Ash’s ultimate skill. It lets you leap forward and plant your Banner in the ground which will deal 350 damage on impact and create a Damage Immune Zone for Ash that lasts for 8 seconds. Ash must stay in the zone to receive immunity.


Ash is going to be part of the Open Beta 51 Patch Notes. Her legendaries include Battering Ram, Fortress Breaker, and Rally Here. While her cards include Heavy Metal, Indomitable, Fervor, War Machine, Percussion, Castle Forged, Brawl, Siege Engine, Ramparts, Trebuchet, Battlement, Watchtower, Gate Crasher, Furious Charge, Thrive, and Vanguard.

If you to try out Paladins, it is free to download on Steam for Microsoft Windows PC and gaming laptop, Mac OS X, XBox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

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