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Liquid win StarSeries PUBG Day 1


16 teams from around the world were invited to compete at the StarSeries i-League 2018 PUBG tournament in Kiev. The best teams from each region will be playing against their counterparts for a chance at the $100,000 prize pool.

The Teams

Each region got to send a different amount of representatives with North America getting four, Europe getting three, China receiving three, CIS getting two, and Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, and South America all getting one apiece. The four teams from North America are familiar names with Cloud9, Ghost Gaming, Team SoloMid, and Tempo Storm. From Europe come FaZe Clan, Team Liquid, and Team Vitality. China sent Game of Life, Four Angry Men, and iFTY. The CIS sent the home teams of AVANGAR and Vega Squadron. OGN Entus Ace, MiTH e-Sports, Athletico Esports, and Luminosity Gaming are the representatives from Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, and South America respectively.

Point System and First Day

Each day will have a total of five matches played with the first place team in each of the matches receiving 250 points. Second gets 200, third receives 180, and the amount continues to decrease as the placings get lower. Kills are worth 6 points a pop, making them a nice bonus on the side, but not necessarily more important than placing high. The first day saw Team Liquid jump into a massive lead with a triple chicken dinner in the final three matches of the five total. FaZe Clan were in an uncontested second place with a win of their own in the first match of the five and several high placings in the other matches. The winner of the second match, Vitality clung to their third place while Team SoloMid trailed closely in fourth. Another factor that greatly contributed to Team Liquid’s high placing was the number of kills they got. In every single match they got at least 10 kills for a total of 64 in just the first day alone. The second place team, FaZe Clan, only managed to get 37 kills.

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