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Fornite Recieves New LMG and 50 vs 50

The newest update to Fornite has brought some exciting new changes with a brand new gun added to the game as well as the special 50 vs 50 game mode. With the recent additions of the Port-A-Fort, vending matchines, and more, Fornite continues to release new content with each update.

Light Machine Gun

The newest gun in the game is the light machine gun, an improved version of the minigun. It fulfils mostly the same role as the minigun which is namely to provide covering fire and quickly take out buildings. However, the ammo cost is quite expensive, especially early on in the game, as the light machine gun requires medium ammo. The gun has a 100 round magazine and comes in Rare and Epic quality only.

50 vs 50

Encompassing the spirit of battle royale, 50 vs 50 is a new game mode that is exactly as the name would suggest. Unlike the regular game mode, several aspects have been changed to make it more like a two-sided war rather than a free for all. The first major difference is that both sides will have their own separate battle buses when entering the map. Teams will be given 10 minutes to loot before the first circle closes and brings the two teams together. The two teams will also be separated by a dotted line and crossing the line will result in entering the enemy territory and increase the chances of finding enemies. Loot has been increased for this game mode from floor spawns, chests, ammo boxes, as well as an increase in materials from farming.

For the full update notes, please visit the Epic Games update log.

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