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5 Tips to Survive XCOM 2 and Have the Chance to Save the World

How to Survive XCOM 2
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After receiving great reviews from the critics and being on top of almost all the bestseller game charts including Steam, XCOM 2 is probably one of the hottest games by now. With its incredible graphics worth to be played on a 4k gaming PC, this game is the famous sequel of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the 2012 award-winning strategy game of the year. This game allows players to build their own fort, send troops and fight a war to exterminate all alien invaders.

But like any other game, in XCOM 2 you need to know how to survive in order to build a stronger fort to support your fighters and have a greater chance to win against the alien.

1. Launch satellites every end of the month.

Satellites are launched to detect any certain UFOs flying over a nation’s airspace, this help you detect any incoming attacks and reduce the chances of getting a five-level panic in your area. But why launch them at the end of the month? Well, it works out when you want to stop a council member from leaving.

2. Your engineers are your new best friends.

Engineers are very vital to maintain your fort and keep your weapons stronger. To keep your fighters alive and stronger, your engineers will keep the pace. Although scientists make research faster, engineers handle the overall outcome of the weapons, armors and everything vital to your base.

3. Get to know your squad and increase their numbers.

Each of your soldiers in XCOM 2 has different names, generated appearances and backstories. However, you can customize all of them if you want. Aside from this, you need to know that each soldier have different statistics, strength and weaknesses. Learn each of them and assign them to roles that suites their attributes.

4. Weapon upgrades are priority.

Whether you’re defending your base or going offense on an enemy base, weapons are pretty much the basic things that will keep your fighters alive during the battle. Grenades are very useful in battles, especially the weapon known as the grenade launcher. To keep these weapons as strong as possible, you must need to upgrade them. Scientists and engineers are all you need to keep up with the pace.

5. Build a guerilla school ASAP.

One of the first facilities you should build in the game is the Guerrilla Tactics School. You can use this to upgrade your troops and even increase the squad later on. Increasing your soldiers will help your base to grow stronger and have a chance against the alien invaders.

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